Thursday, February 17, 2011

Avoid Scaring Her Off Completely - Learn The 5 Tips Of What Not To Say

Finding the right girl can be difficult. Once you've found a special girl there are a number of things you can and should be saying to impress her.

More important though, is knowing those little things you should never say to a woman. Here are the top five things you should avoid saying to a woman to keep your dating life going smoothly.

1. My ex always... Talking extensively about your ex-girlfriend is never something you want to say to a woman. If your ex is still on your mind, then you probably aren't ready to be dating another girl.

Relationships are hard enough already, but saying too much about your ex and what they used to do or not do will only make things worse. It's best to just never mentionyour ex to a woman.



Posted By: Susan Lancaster

Via: - : News-and-Society | Dating

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