Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Funny Atlanta Dating Stories Posted By: Lisa Lyngos

Anyone in the dating game knows a thing or two about good dates gone bad "" spinach in the teeth, spilling wine on your date, running into an ex. And don"t we all love reminiscing about these awful, sometimes shocking, and, at times, completely mortifying moments! Here are some memorable stories of dating disasters and how, in some cases, daters have managed to make the best of an uncomfortable situation and turn it into a successful love story. All Choked Up "It was a first date. We went out for Mexican and decided to split the shrimp ceviche appetizer. He started telling a really funny joke. The punch line came at the exact moment I was taking a bite, which caused me to inhale the shrimp. It lodged in my throat and suddenly I could ... , , , ,

Via: ArticleSnatch.com - : News-and-Society | Dating

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